Race of the Day: 2024 Travers Stakes Analysis

After dedicating so much time in my full-card analysis discussing the fanfare and history surrounding the Travers Stakes, it should be clear to anyone who wasn’t already painfully aware that I tend to be sentimental about sports. This isn’t really a matter of debate.

If you can believe it, this occasionally gets me into trouble with other sports fans. I get a lot of ‘rose-colored glasses’ accusations, or sometimes even an outright dismissal on the grounds that I’m being unrealistic or contrarian. I don’t even disagree with people who make those claims. I like radical decisions and big risks and I’m accepting of failure when they don’t work. I want to see something incredible every time I watch a sporting event, and I don’t see the harm in rooting for such things. read more

Saratoga Analysis: Saturday, August 24, 2024

As I write this in Oceanside on Travers Day morning, thousands of people are packing into Saratoga Racecourse to get a seat for one of the greatest racing events of the year. I don’t want you to take me for a slouch. I’m a fervent table gatherer at Saratoga myself, having made the run countless times on annual trips to the Spa. Even for me though, those at the track today strike me as radicals.

There will come a year where I eventually go to the Travers and brave the capacity crowd. There are also days when I envy racegoers who can go to Saratoga whenever they want, and there may be a moment later today where I feel that same way. But as I brave the dawn and toss and turn on my couch on Long Island, writing to all of you this morning, I must admit that I’m rather content. read more

Race of the Day: 2024 Whitney Stakes Analysis

This year’s running of the Whitney Stakes at Saratoga is one of the most intriguing in recent history, revolving around one idea: No one seems to be afraid of National Treasure. 

In past years, daunting favorites have consistently deterred most challengers, leading to very small fields. This year, 11 runners have entered to take a shot at the leader of the weak older males division. As a handicapper, it’s hard to ask for much more.

As usual, I’ll be providing full analysis of the race in post position order. In addition, I’ve gone back and added a sentence for each horse to take the rain and sloppy track into account. The weather is sure to shake up this field, and I wanted to provide readers with up-to-date information. Let’s get to it. read more